We've moved, and the dust has settled. I've got some time now to work on our longstanding backlog of modules that never passed QC. Most of the time these just have a resistor/header that's not soldered, or a scratched panel that needs replacement. Some of them are really fun weird problems to solve like bad op-amps or an inductor that gets crazy hot. So I'm going through these and will be posting them all for sales here on wmdevices.com when they've received the love they need. I'm listing things lot by lot, so these are likely the last of these designs that will be sold new.
On the list: Synchrodyne + Expand, Overseer, Fracture, PM Mutes, PM DB25, Triad, Modbox, Geiger Counter pedal, Kraken, Arpitecht + Triad, and more!
Thank you for the support! - William Mathewson