Performance Mixer MKII
Now shipping the preorders for the PM MKII suite of modules. We're still taking orders for the last few units in the first production batch, shipping throughout February and March.
Get your order in now!
Channels MKII shipping in Q2 2025

I've restructured a lot of things in my life and have made more bandwidth for designing new musical tools. I'm excited to be making electronics and music as my artistic outlet again.
Many new things are in the works, and will appear here. I can't wait to hear the music you make with them.
We have a separate inventory of modules and pedals available on Reverb that are heavily discounted old stock. So please check Reverb if you're looking for something that is not here.
Thank you for the all love and support over the years. It's kept me going.
-William Mathewson
Performance Mixer MKII Suite
PM DB25 MKII - Balanced Output Pre/Post Fader Expander
Regular price $299 Sale price $299PM MKII Returns - 3 Additional Aux Returns for PM MKII
Regular price $139 Sale price $139PM MKII Direct Outs Expansion - 8 Stereo Channels Pre or Post
Regular price $99 Sale price $99PM DB25 MKII Conversion Board for Use with Original Performance Mixer
Regular price $40 Sale price $40Performance Mixer MKII Cables, Accessories & Replacement Parts
Regular price From $6 Sale price From $6Modules In Stock
PM DB25 MKII - Balanced Output Pre/Post Fader Expander
Regular price $299 Sale price $299Silver Panels for WMD Modules
Regular price From $6 Sale price From $6 Regular pricePerformance Mixer MKII Cables, Accessories & Replacement Parts
Regular price From $6 Sale price From $6All Modules and Pedals
Non Electronic Stuff
Blog posts list
January 2024 News
WMD is back. TLDR; I feel like my old self at the beginning of WMD, and I'm excited to be making art/music again, and good new and old things are...
Going through our backlog of QC modules
We've moved, and the dust has settled. I've got some time now to work on our longstanding backlog of modules that never passed QC. Most of the time these just...
New Merch Available
We're adding some merch, and it'll be print on demand which is more economical and sustainable. We'll be adding new designs (and maybe some fun old designs) soon. First thing...
Important factory news and new products announcement!
Jan 2024 note - leaving this up for posterity, but obviously a lot has changed since this announcement. Hey fam, We at WMD are so thankful for the support you...
With Volteras shipping, it's important that all METRON users download the newest firmware and update their units! Voltera needs this update to function! Other changes include: -NEW SBUS USER INTERFACE-COMPOSE...
METRON FIRMWARE V1.2 is up now!
We have been working away at makimg METRON even better and implimenting the most requested features from our users. V1.2 is up and available now! GRAB IT HERE Changes include:-"Quick...
METRON 1.1 Firmware is now available
It's been about six weeks since the initial release of METRON. Since then, we have found a few little bugs and housekeeping items that we wanted to address asap. Please check out...
William Mathewson honored as a top five finalist for GenXYZ Award amongst local business owners
This February, William Mathewson was honored at ColoradoBiz Magazine’s GenXYZ awards for the 2019 Top 25 Most Influential Young Professionals. The list included winners from a variety of industries, spanning...